Hosting and sharing audio and video files on DocSend allows you to see who’s viewed them and for how long. For those on DocSend Standard, Advanced, and Enterprise, you’ll receive deeper insights into which parts of your audio and video files visitors engage with the most by leveraging DocSend’s engagement score. This score will help you determine what parts of your audio and video files keep visitors engaged and which don't.
To upload an audio or video file, follow the same steps to upload a document listed here.
Configure Engagement Settings on an Audio or Video Link (Standard, Advanced, Enterprise)
The steps to create an audio or video link are exactly the same as creating a DocSend link. When subscribed to Standard, Advanced, or Enterprise, you’ll be able to configure Engagement Settings on your audio and video file links.
Engagement Settings allow you to customize how the player behaves when viewed. There are four settings you can configure:
Pause when backgrounded(video only): The player will pause when moved from the foreground of the screen to the background. The player will resume playback when returned to the foreground and played.
Pause when muted: The player will pause when muted and resume playback when the unmuted and played.
Disable playback speed change: When enabled, this setting will hide the playback speed selector and disable the option to fast forward.
Disable forward seeking: When enabled, this setting will prevent attempts to seek forward to a point in the file timeline that has not already been played. For parts where the file has already been played, visitors may seek backward or forward.
DocSend offers analytics, providing insights into who‘s listened or viewed by diving deep into specific behaviors to learn how engaged visitors are with your files.
Activity tab
Playback Time (time in seconds)
To the right of the visit log, you can see the total time during a visit that an audio or video file was played.
Playback Percentage (donut graph)
This represents the percentage of the file that the visitor listened to or viewed. This can be different from playback time if the playback speed is modified in any way or when seeking is involved.
The Visit engagement score provides a summary of your visitors’ engagement with a file. The score is determined by whether your visitor couldsee and hear the file, as well as how fast the file was playing back. The engagement score does not take into account the playback time and playback percentage metrics listed above. Engagement events include mute/unmute, fullscreen/windowed, playback speed, and background/foreground of the screen.
The video visit engagement score is rated on this categorical scale:
Highly Engaged(blue): The video file was played unmuted, visible, fullscreen, and no faster than 1.25x speed.
Engaged(green): The video file was played unmuted, visible, and no faster than 1.25x speed for most of playback.
Distracted(yellow): The video file was muted or the DocSend player was in the background for much of playback.
Ignored(red): The video file was muted and the DocSend player was in the background for much of playback.
No Signal(gray): There is no engagement data to report as the video file was not played.
While audio file engagement analytics are similar to those of video files, there are a few differences:
As the fullscreen option does not apply to audio files, it does not apply to audio engagement.
Viewer in focus is weighted less for audio files.
Audibility and playback speed are weighted more for audio files.
The audio visit engagement score is rated on this categorical scale:
Highly Engaged(blue): The audio file was played unmuted, visible, and no faster than 1.25x speed.
Engaged(green): The audio file was played unmuted and no faster than 1.25x speed for most of playback, but may not be visible.
Distracted(yellow): The audio filewas not visible and played faster than 1.25x speed for most of playback.
Ignored(red): The audio file was muted for much of playback.
No Signal(gray): There is no engagement data to report as the audio file was not played.
Visit Count and View Duration Graph
The visit graph provides a summary of a visitor’s playback journey, giving you second-by-second insight into which parts of the file were played multiple times or skipped over.
Vertical Axis: Play event timestamps(the time and date the user clicked the play button)
Horizontal Axis: Playhead times
Visit Rows: A row is created every time a user starts or restarts playback.
When a file is paused, that’ll end the current row on the graph. When the file is played again, a new row will begin. The same will occur when you skip to a different point in the file(even without pausing) and playback resumes in a new place.
Video timestamps: To obtain the exact time the file was played for, hover on any row and you’ll see the playhead start and end times.
On Standard, Advanced, and Enterprise plans, you’ll see a colorful graph known as the Engagement visit graph. Rows and segments are color coded following the engagement scores listed above based on how visitors interact with your files.
Changes in engagement events don’t always introduce a new color.
Hover over the row or segment to view a summary of the engagement data collected.
Performance tab
The Performance tab for audio and video files will include Core Metrics and the Visit Map as outlined in our Performance tab article.
Comparative Stats
The performance graph will show aggregate comparative performance data for the file. You can toggle between different versions to see how each version performs.
Y axis: Represents the number of views across all links and visits.
This includes cases where a user has rewound to listen or view a segment of content multiple times in a single visit.
X axis: Represents file playhead time, broken into ten equal parts.
For longer files, data is less granular.
Visitor Experience
Visitors can use the player bar or keyboard shortcuts listed below to interact with an audio or video file.
Audio and Video Player Bar
Play Button
Video time
Full screen(video only)
Playback speed(.5x-2x)
Keyboard Controls
Left/Right arrow keys: rewind and forward
M: toggle mute
F: toggle full screen(video only)
Esc: close full screen or close preview player
Space bar: pause and play
0-9: skip to a percentage of the audio or video file length(EX: pressing 3 will jump to 30% of the file
Audio and Video Header Bar
If enabled, download and contact buttons will reflect on the header bar.
Things to consider
Watermarking is not supported.
Video files uploaded before August 30, 2022 will remain as download-only files. To host a video file using the DocSend video player, upload it as a new file.
Audio files uploaded before March 13, 2023 will remain as download-only files. To host an audio file using the DocSend audio player, upload it as a new file.
For more information on updating files, see our help center article, Update Existing Content.
Zoom functions and page counters are not supported.
When a visitor does not play your file, you may see a visit with a 0 second playback time and 0% playback percentage.
Both the audio and video player are supported on desktop and mobile devices.
Videos over 200MB don’t display thumbnails.
Audio thumbnails are manual.
A visitor may only listen to or view half of your file, but be considered“highly engaged” because all engagement signals(unmuted, fullscreen, etc.) were present.
When the engagement graph is gray, there is no engagement data to report.
You’ll typically see this for videos that were uploaded before October 25, 2022.
When the device is muted or disconnected from an audio output, the player will not pause.