Stay in control; restrict access to a specific set of recipients by leveraging either our or Block Viewers features.
- Allow Viewers: Allow only specific email addresses or domains to access your shared links or Spaces. Once enabled, those who are on the allowed viewers list will be granted access and those who aren't will be denied access immediately.
- Block Viewers: Block specific email addresses or domains from accessing your shared links or Spaces. Once enabled, those who are on the Block list will be denied access immediately.
While it's difficult to control whether visitors forward links, the ability to restrict access helps ensure that only your intended viewers have access to your shared content.
Skipping Ahead
Enable Restrict Access
Important: You can enable either Allow Viewers or Block viewers, but not both at the same time.
- Create a new link or update an existing one by clicking the link settings icon.
Under Access Control, select Restrict Access.
- Note: By default, “Require email to view” will be enabled.
- Click Edit Permissions.
- Select your desired access method, Allow specified viewers or Block specified viewers, depending on your needs.
- Manually enter an email address or domain in the field box and select Add.
- Save your list by clicking OK.
- Click Create Link or Update Link to finalize the changes and you’re all set.
Manage Your Access List
Your allowed viewers list can include up to 500 email addresses or domains for each link (or up to 2,000 with Advanced Data Rooms). You can edit this list any time by navigating to the link settings and selecting Edit Permissions. Here are a few ways you can manage your list:
Update your Access List
- Add a contact by manually entering an email address or domain in the field box and click Add. You can add multiple contacts by separating each entry with a comma.
- Remove a contact by clicking the X next to the email address or domain. Alternatively, you can clear your entire list by clicking Remove all.
- Always click OK to confirm any changes made.
Upload a CSV
Create a CSV spreadsheet list of email addresses and domains and upload the file by selecting Import a CSV file directly. The email addresses and domains will be identified across all cells regardless of column or row position.
Note: Uploading additional CSVs will only add contacts and does not override the existing list.
Look up contacts in the list using the search bar. This can be helpful for finding duplicates, correcting an email address, etc.
Copy your Access List
Download the list by clicking Copy to Clipboard - this will copy your contacts and you can paste this into a document.
Switch between Access Methods
You can switch between Allow Viewers or Block Viewers and it will keep your current Access List but will change who has access.
- Switching from Allow Viewers to Block Viewers will block access to the link for the email addresses and domains domains.
- Switching from Block Viewers to Allow Viewers will allow access to the link for the email addresses and domains.
Visit Email Notification
Just like any DocSend link, each time you receive a visit, you’ll receive an automated email with details around the visit attempt such as date, time, and other email addresses used.
Depending on what’s enabled, you will be given the option to allow or block access from within the notification.
Authorized Visitor Notification (Allow Viewers enabled)
Just like a visit to a regular DocSend link, you’ll receive an automated email with details around the visit attempt such as date, time, etc.
Unauthorized Visitor Notification (Allow Viewers enabled)
You’ll be notified when an unauthorized visitor attempts to access your shared link. You will have the ability to allow access to the visitor from the email notification if you prefer. This will automatically add the unauthorized visitor email to your Allow List.
Authorized Visitor Notification (Block Viewers enabled)
You’ll be notified when an authorized visitor accesses your shared link. You will have the ability to block that specific visitor from the email notification if you prefer. This will automatically add the authorized visitor email to your Block List.
Unauthorized Visitor Notification (Block Viewers enabled)
You’ll be notified when an unauthorized visitor attempts to access your shared link. No further action is necessary since the visit was blocked. If the unauthorized visitor gains access using another email address, you’ll be given the option to block that email address from the email notification. This will automatically add the visitor email to your Block List.
Things to consider
- You can enable either Allow Viewers or Block viewers, but not both at the same time.
- Domains are differentiated in lists with an asterisk.
- Access can be enabled and managed through the Gmail Plug-in or Outlook Add-in. Visitors who are sent a link through these extensions will automatically be added to the allow list when Allow Viewers is enabled.
- Allow Viewers will sync with Salesforce as part of the link or Space creation tasks and can be mapped to the Salesforce activity field from your Salesforce Settings page.
- We recommend enabling Email Authentication for additional security and information on your viewers. Check out the articles below to learn more.
Related reading
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